Monday, July 29, 2013


On August 7th, the Office of Catholic Schools is holding a Leadership Conference to kick-off the year and introduce new members in the office (since about five people either moved on to something else in their careers or retired). Since these changes have taken place, and the secretary got promoted to a higher position within the system, they have asked me to fill in, temporarily. I am not the secretary, but rather, all of her functions have gone to me, since I was the worker best trained and with the most "seniority" out of all the interns.

Hence, I spent a large portion of my last week occupied handling many duties, but specifically, the duty of preparing information for the conference and making it readily available within the office as well as to those who are attending. I have been receiving emails, calls, and faxes with their information so that I might sign them up for the conference. Along with this duty of receiving their information - which by the way is all put into an excel sheet - I am responsible for paying for them. This I either do because they send in checks, or because in their application they provide their credit card information. With their credit card information, all I do then is go to Give Central and pay online for them.

Though it is true that their is not much history involved in preparing for this conference, there sometimes is a little bit of research that must be done with sponsors and attendees. This is not for security reasons or any matter of that sort, but rather so that when I include them in the brochure that is passed out to all attendants, they may get a hopefully better understanding and knowledge of the companies and people that work with the Office of Catholic Schools. Hence, I at times will have to look up information such as when they were founded, what their primary purpose was, how it has evolved, and where they currently are. For example, one the biggest partners with the Office of Catholic Schools is the Rowland Reading Foundation. This foundation was simply at first a reading project began by Ms. Rowland in attempt to improve her students reading ability. The project was called SuperKids Reading; it was 40 years ago! It only became a foundation in 2004. Either way, what Ms. Rowland created has now integrated methods based from research that prove to be the most effective. Presumably, because of how long ago Ms. Rowland began, some advancements can be accredited to her work.

That is what I did for a couple of days last week.


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